How Long Do Wigs Last & Tips To Prolong Your Wig Lifespan
Wigs are a great way to switch up your style and protect your natural hair from heat damage. Everything has limited lifespan wigs do the same. Whether you are a newbie or have been wearing wigs for a while, knowing how long wigs last can give you more clear guidance when considering investing in a new unit.
But the truth is, there is not an exact length of time for any wig. Many factors affect the lifespan of a wig. So in this article, we will list all the factors that may affect your human hair wig and synthetic wig lifespan and how you do to prolong your wig longevity.
Human Hair VS Synthetic Hair
Wigs are either made from human or synthetic hair. In general, human hair wigs are more expensive than synthetic wigs, and their longevity is longer than synthetic wigs. Human hair wigs can last over one year with correct care, but a best synthetic wig can only last several months.
How Long Do Human Hair Wigs Last
On average, a human hair wig can last one year+ with the proper care and regular maintenance. Whether a frontal wig or a 360 wig. Human hair wigs made from real hair and have the same features as your natural hair. It will last longer with the correct method to take care of your lace front wig. Here are the factors that may affect how long a human hair wig last.
1 Hair Quality. Hair quality is the main factor that determines the longevity of your human hair lace wigs. Good quality human hair wigs last longer than low-quality human hair wigs. A top-quality human hair lace wig always comes with a healthy texture and natural luster, with no sheddings and tangles. The wig construction is stable and not easy to break down. Where to buy high-quality human hair wigs? Hermosa Hair will give you the answer.

2 How you treat and care for the wig. Human hair wigs require to be nursed as gently as possible as they are delicate like your own hair. Timely treatment and proper care will ensure that the wig lasts as long as possible. If you use the wrong way to wash the wig and do not supply enough nutrient hair needed, your wig may get dry and damaged. Be gentle and patient with your wig at any time.
3 How often you wear the wig. Frequency of use is a critical factor that affects how long your human hair wig will last. If you wear your wig daily, it will wear out quicker than a wig worn less frequently. A good quality wig can last up to one year with the proper care if you wear it every day. However, the lifespan of wigs used less often ( for instance, once worn each week) can stretch for more than two years.
4 Styling. When it comes to styling your wig, most of us may choose to change hairstyles with a straight iron or curling iron since human hair wigs can be restyled like natural hair. The styling heat tools do influence the wig lifespan a lot. If you use heat tools too frequently and don't apply heat protectants before styling, your hair can get damaged easily and shorten its longevity.
How Long Does A Human Hair Wig Install Last?
1 to 6 weeks. It all depends on many kinds of elements. Like your preference, wig adhesive type, if the wig is secured well, etc.
- Wig adhesive. If worn occasionally, most wig wearers may choose to have a quick install by securing the wig with gel, tape, or a light hold glue. These offer you the option to remove it at any time and reuse the unit multiple times. If you sweat a lot and demand a wig for long-term wear, a waterproof and specialized design for long-wear hold glue is perfect for you.
- How well the wig was installed. There is no doubt that the lifespan of your wig install last depends largely on who did the installation. If you are excellent at installing a wig and know how to apply glue or adhesive correctly, the wig can secure well and last longer. So experience and practice are very critical to achieving a natural and stable installation.
How Long Do Synthetic Wigs Last
Synthetic hair wigs are affordable with shorter longevity than human hair wigs. A good quality synthetic hair wig should last between four and six months if you wear it every day with proper care. If you only wear your wig for some special occasions, it may last a little longer.
How To Make A Human Hair Wig Last Longer?
To extend the life of your unit, the key is how to wash, care about, maintain, and dry the wig.
1. Don't wear the same wig every day. Give your natural hair and your wig some break time. If you are a wig wearer daily, consider purchasing various wigs to rotate from time to time.
2. Comb your wig correctly. Go for a wide tooth comb to detangle your wig from the bottom up. Gently move the knots before washing your wig. Which can avoid shedding and prolong the life of your wig.
3. Wash and condition regularly. Human hair wigs need good washing and conditioning sessions to help retains their moisture, bounce, and shine.
4. Use lukewarm water to wash your wig. Hot water may damage your hair cuticle and dry out your wig. It's better to use lukewarm water to wash and rinse the wig.
5. Avoid over-washing your wig. Washing your wig with the right products is a great way to keep the wig fibers in the best condition. But beware that over-washing your wig can have the opposite effect. Wash your human hair wig after 6-8 wears will be better.
6. Choose the right product. Opt for shampoo and conditioner specially designed for human hair wigs. Avoid applying clarifying shampoos as these are designed to strip buildup and oils from the hair and will cause dryness.
7. Be gentle with your wig. Whenever washing and combing the hair, please treat it like your own and be gentle.
8. Air dry. Most of us prefer to go for a blow dryer to fasten the speed dry the hair, which also breaks your hair wig cuticle. The perfect way to dry the hair is to squeeze the excess water with a clean microfiber towel and let it air dry.
9. Decrease using heat tools. Your human hair wig won't last as long as you can imagine if you style your hair with heat tools every day. Even if the wig is made of 100% human hair, it can not absorb enough nutrients from the scalp like your natural hair would have. When using heated styling products such as straighteners and curlers, these steps can decrease your wig from getting damaged from heat.
- Make sure to apply a heat protection spray before styling your wig.
- Style your wig when the hair is damp can help wig away from getting damaged.
- Avoid using styling products near the roots of your human hair wig.
- Use low heat to style your wig if possible.
The best way to prolong your wig lifespan is to decrease using heat tools or choose other products to replace, like hair rollers.
10. Limit chemical processing. Chemical processing like dying or bleaching the hair will shorten the wig lifespan a lot, and the hair will become crunchy and tend to get damaged. So limited chemical process can make your wig last longer.
11. Keep your wig well hydrated. Since human hair wigs can not get adequate moisture from the scalp as your natural hair, you can apply some olive oil or coconut oil before the hair dries to keep your wig well hydrated.
12. Store properly. There are several tips you need to know about how to store wigs properly.
- Wash and condition your wig before storage.
- Make sure your wig is completely dry when you plan to store it.
Most human hair wigs suppliers will ship wigs with a silk bag or cardboard box, which is a fabulous place to lay in your human hair wig.
- A wig stand is also a good choice to store your wig and avoid unwanted kinks or crimps.
- Keep the wig away from direct contact with sunlight and away from damp places.
How To Make A Synthetic Wig Last Longer?
The key to making your synthetic lace wig last longer is caring for it.
Wash: Choose the correct product to wash your wig, and keep your wig clean. Use conditioners that help soften the fiber of the wig and provide luster to the wig.
Product: Use products that are synthetic wig friendly.
Install: Be gentle when you install the wig and ensuring not to use too much force on the delicate fibers.
Storage: Place your wig on a wig stand or a silk bag, and avoid direct sunlight and a damp place.
Why Do Human Hair Wigs Last Longer Than Synthetic Wigs?
The hair source is the biggest factor that makes a human hair wig last longer. As we all know, human hair wigs materials are cut from human beings' heads and have intact cuticles like your own hair, which can be colored and restyled as you like. It can last over one year as long as you take good care of it. That's also why human hair wigs cost more than synthetic wigs.
Synthetic wigs are composed of man-made fibers. Even if you opt for heat friendly synthetic wigs, they can not be treated like your own hair. The lifespan is shorter a lot than human hair wigs.
Do chemical processing and heat shorten wig lifespan?
Yes, chemical processing and heat can shorten wigs' lifespan more or less, whether you are wearing a human hair wig or a synthetic wig. Reducing the use of chemical and heat tools can help your wig last longer.
Is it ok to wear a wig every day?
It is ok to wear a wig every day as long as you can take good care of the natural hair and scalp underneath the wig. Here are some tips to help you wear a wig comfortably and safely daily.
- Regular wash and condition your natural hair and wig.
- Consider moving off the wig at night to give your natural hair and scalp some break.
- Wear a wig cap when installing a wig.
- If you tend to wear a wig every day, you can prepare more wigs to switch up and rotate them from time to time. The less you wear your wig, the longer it will last.
Can I sleep in my wig?
Sleeping in a wig is generally not recommended, but it is possible. Taking the following steps will allow the hair to remain safely tucked away and reduce snagging.
- Lay the hair flat against your head and pin or tie it into place to avoid friction. If your wig is long, try putting it in a loose braid to help prevent tangles. Make sure no unnecessary tugging occurs.
Use a satin bonnet or silk scarf to wrap your hair, or change to a silk pillowcase can decrease the friction and lock up moisture. Avoid dryness and tangles.
In a word, the lifespan of a wig greatly depends on the material the hair makes of. Getting a human hair wig made of 100% human hair is the best choice. Hermosa Hair offers various human hair wigs in different textures, colors, and lengths. We have got you covered with lace front wig, closure wig, and 360 lace wigs, to meet all your demand. It can last over one year with the correct care, and you can get the most natural and realistic look with a human hair wig. It is worth more than a synthetic wig in a long run.
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